Friday, March 16, 2007

Day 319
Today I wanted to sketch a flower to make a little hand-painted card. This is our bluebell, a very hardy little plant that flowers all about after rain. There were also lots of decaying pine cone 'leaves', beautifully delicate in the way they disintegrated. 12 km cycle


Julie Oakley said...

I think ours may start early this year - it's normally about the first or second week in May but with this mild winter...

I don't know if you remember, but what are called bluebells in Scotland are a completely different plant to the hyacinth family English bluebells. The Scottish ones are in fact harebells

Penny said...

Lovely delicate little flowers, i think that the "leaves" of a pine cone are called scales but I could be wrong, I wonder if the black cockies had pulled them off the cones.