Monday, March 05, 2007

Day 308
At the library again - this time in the afternoon, when there were lots of school students doing homework. This young fellow was trying to understand a maths problem and looking pretty demoralised as his friend tried to explain it. But neither of them gave up and by the time I'd finished this sketch, he had got the concept and done the algebra. Later, I saw him in the square walking up a narrow ramp on his hands, looking a complete natural. 12 km cycle


Penny said...

Interesting face and I like the T shirt . Discussions here about how legal it is to have umbrellas with coffee names on them on Council side walks as there should be no third party advertising on council land, some one asked about the people sitting under the umbrellas with logos on their t shirts!

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Eat the Rich? That's a nice one for Canberra! Nicely observed drawing as per usual.