Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 260
This evening we cycled to Manuka to watch The Queen. I sat on a bench and sketched the queue while Ralph waited in it. I wish I could catch the shapes faster. We thought the film was marvellous - I especially liked all the children's artwork in the Blair's home and office. 12 km cycle


Hashi said...

I really liked that movie too!

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Your view of Canberra people certainly upturns our ideas about people in the capital as all bureaucrats wearing suits. Your quirky drawings of the ordinary guys gives a different slant.

Julie Oakley said...

I might have to see this on your recommendation. I love Helen Mirrren but the theme/story doesn't appeal at all.

Jana Bouc said...

I like your work so much! Another wonderful group of humans. I loved Helen Mirren in this (she could wash dishes for 2 hours and I'd watch her) but the movie seemed pretty slight. I agree though about how human Tony Blair seemed and all the kids artwork did help with that.