Monday, August 07, 2006

Day 99
I just walked to Mum's today and didn't have time to do a drawing. So, guess what? Out again in my pyjamas. People's porch lights come on as I walk past and I suddenly get illuminated surprises which are cast into darkness again unless I keep jigging about. I love silver birches at night. 4 km


Hashi said...

Nice job! I love silver birches, too.

Julie Oakley said...

This is just beautiful. I love the way you've cropped them

Jana Bouc said...

I love your nighttime drawings. They inspire me to try it too. This one is so simple yet so lovely.

Tami said...

Gorgeous! Yes, they so pick up the light in a fairy tale way, don' they. And I thought night photography was intriguing! Somehow, the mental image of you lurkin' around in your p.j's cracks me up!