Monday, July 24, 2006

Day 85
It's been raining all day so I didn't go for a long walk this morning - just a quick trot over to Mum's to sit with her for the afternoon. She was very tired so I sat in the window watching the fairy wrens and stitching up Finnian's new jumper. 3km

1 comment:

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Your pics are so interesting Okay, I'll join the club - one pic a day after taking a walk! In Geelong there's plenty of visual cues but it is very cold! Peceli's away in Fiji at present so I do have time on my hands!
Lucky you - living in Canberra. Great library, art gallery, and I love the St Marks library Tippett collection.
Do you draw fast striding walkers around the lake who are accompanied by security men?