Saturday, July 01, 2006

Day 62
Well, it official - this past June was the coldest in Canberra for 20 years. Most weekends, I take my mother out for a morning. On the way home from a shopping and coffee trip, we stopped by the lake so Mum could have a walk with her walker. All of a sudden, four pelicans flew slowly past. I first saw a pelican in the Edinburgh zoo - a miserable bedraggled fellow and now I still find it amazing that they are wild and free here.


Hashi said...

Nice job!

JaKo said...

Very expressive ! I like it !
Btw. our past June here in Slovakia was the most hottest for last 55 years.

Jan Allsopp said...

You have captured their gangliness and their elegance (which somehow they display simultaneously!) perfectly! Hope your weather warms soon - even just a little.

Julie Oakley said...

Wonderful joyous painting. What a year to publicly anounce a daily walk! I just hope our winter doesn't turn out as cold as your's.

Tami said...

I love pelicans. Good job capturing the look of them! I have tried a couple of times, and failed miserably! Blogging makes the world so small and close! We are in the middle of summer in the U.S. That it is midwinter there makes me even more impressed with your walking blog!