Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Day 303
I managed to squeeze an hour for sketchercising between taking my mother for a late afternoon outing in more pouring rain and coming home to dinner which Tor had cooked. The university and city mall areas are closed until next Monday due to severe hail damage last night but we didn't get hail - just a total 0f 70 ml of rain in the last 48 hours. However, as we have no garage, we have blankets ready to cover the car should we be suddenly deluged with hail - oh, for just ordinary soft rain! I cycled to Manuka so I could draw undercover if the rain should begin again - of course I was struck by this girl with a red dress and yellow hair. In reality, she didn't look so sour - I realize I must do pastel large or fit less in - using the bumpy side of the paper makes it extra hard to get the detail, though I like the pattern it gives on the dress. 10 km cycle

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