Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Day 205
I cycled to Manuka after dinner, when Ralph and Tor had gone off to a film. The warmer weather has brought out lots of people to eat and socialise in the outdoor cafes - great for sketching. I like this bookshop as it is open late and has places to sit inside


Jana Bouc said...

Oh, I know that scene...I love browsing in bookstores and you've captured the body language just right. I love the bright colors too.

Julie Oakley said...

That's the one thing that I don't like about where I prefer to walk – people are very rarely availablle as subject matter – so the nearest I can get is those pigs and cows! I particularly like the man on the right - his clothes are so recognisable - just the sort of thing Robin wears to the office now that they've extended dress down Friday to the whole week

Peceli and Wendy's Blog said...

Browsing in book shops - lovely. I must go to a garage sale and draw the people there - you get some great characters, but I'm a bit nervous about drawing amidst people who might take offense!
Another location. All the rabbits really do come outa their burrows on election day - which for us is next Saturday I think!

Penny said...

Love the backs of people, much easier than the fronts. Sometimes wish I lived in a town, we all sit inside and watch or dont watch tv. I am knitting socks that John is very rude about I will leave it to your imagination as to what he thinks they will cover.