Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day 4
I walked through the wood and down Dunrossill Drive, where the Governer General (the Queen's representative in Australia) lives. There seemed to be nothing to draw! Beautiful blue sky though, and I looked up at the tremendously tall Monterey Pines and thought I would draw them from the ground, looking up. I tried to find the best place, then came across another sort of pine tree, nearly dead, with this fantastic pattern to its branches. As I drew, I was was reminded of my caligraphy classes in Taiwan, 20 years ago - the old teacher thought I was hopeless and did his best to ignore me. So, I wrote my notes in Chinese. It says - 'Every day I go for a walk, looking for something to draw. Today I found a very interesting tree.' Brush and ink, fineline pen. (4 km return)


pedalpower said...

Wow, I am so draw well and you can write your journal entries in Chinese! We have some amazing folks at Everyday Matters group. I'm so glad you've joined Julie's exercise challenge!

Julie Oakley said...

I'm amazed as well. I love the graphic quality of this piece.

Robyn said...

Hey! Alison ... this is magnificent! A truely beautiful work of art.

Scratches & Scribbles

Making A Mark said...

Very calligraphic! Lovely.......

JaKo said...

I like your art ! This is my favourite !